Motion Sickness

I suffer badly with sea sickness. I've tried every technique going and nothing works. I know a couple of other people who I suspect are autistic but haven't been formally diagnosed, and they are exactly the same.

Just curious to know whether others on here are the same, and also equally interested to hear from people on the spectrum for whom it's not a problem.

Any techniques / remedies welcome, (though I've probably tried it :) ).

  • I don't suffer with sea sickness, but I do get disoriented and feel sick if I am in a car for example.

    Sensory overload can also send my proprioceptive sense into turmoil. The room can sway and spin which is awful.

    I have tried VR games a few times and they have made me ill and have left me feeling like I am not properly grounded to the floor. Not nice!

  • I don't suffer with sea sickness, but I do get disoriented and feel sick if I am in a car for example.

    Sensory overload can also send my proprioceptive sense into turmoil. The room can sway and spin which is awful.

    I have tried VR games a few times and they have made me ill and have left me feeling like I am not properly grounded to the floor. Not nice!

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