Reminding myself that this isn't / wasn't trivial

I'm feeling it today & need to write this:

  • 1993 to 2003: 20 years of having a "real job" after uni
  • Most of those years struggling with depression & anxiety
  • Doing what everyone else does - modelling and masking
  • 1993-2014: Raising a family & step-family
  • 2014-2016: Starting to use unhealthy coping mechanisms
  • 2016-2017: Feeling successful & maybe a bit frantic (note - alexithymia)
  • 2017: BOOM! I don't care anymore!. Can't even write. Autistic burnout. 3 months off sick, still recovering today.
  • 2018 - referred for ASD assessment
  • 2019 - diagnosed autistic

I'm now trying hard to live in a way that is kind to me, to avoid repeating a burnout. It was a frightening experience and literally nearly killed me. Living by my new rules provides a healthy level of stress.

But, back in the work environment, the "do what everyone else does" drive is seductive. It whispers in my ear that it will be OK, I'm not really that different, and *everyone* does it - this is normal; go back to what you've been taught by observation since you were a child!. And when something unexpected happens at work, my mind empties of thoughts and there is total vacuum where my mental "to do" list was. The wolf of stress huffing and puffing and blowing down the straw house of executive functioning.

I might have to use the phrase "I need to hide today" and hope people understand, because I can't bare to go through the explanations of autism and how it affects me and how exhausting social interaction is.

  • You've come a very long way and just going to work when you're feeling like that is a huge achievement. I also felt I needed to hide today, but didn't know what to say to my colleagues (they don't know I'm awaiting an autism assessment). I ended up just getting through and feeling like a wreck by the time I got home.

    You could always tell your colleagues you're going through a difficult time - they don't need to know the details if you don't want them to.

    Take good care of yourself.

  • I rarely tell mine what's going on, just not to ask. Like I said above, it's up to them to be decent humans and respect you. You don't owe anyone an explanation, especially if you're unsure what you should say without having the formal diagnosis yet; though it's nice to give them some sort of heads up when you're having a tough day, so as not to be rude. Hope you've recovered this evening and feel a bit better now.

  • Thank you - I tend to try and give people the heads-up, but I struggle to do that when I'm feeling my worst. I should let them know though - it might make it easier for them to understand if I'm quieter than usual.

    I'm feeling a lot better now, thank you.

  • Definitely. Thank you - I will do.

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