Zoning out/shutting down

I’ve had problems for years with just zoning out or completely shutting down.  I don’t know what causes it sometimes, it’s like if I sit still everything shuts down and I either completely go to sleep or it’s like I’m asleep with my eyes being shut but I can hear things, but I just can’t respond or even move.  Does anyone else get this?  I was told it’s a response to being constantly overwhelmed and my body needing to rest from it all.  

Other times, like the three days annual leave I’ve had this week, i zone out for hours in a similar way, it’s very unproductive but it’s like I can’t fight it.  I had plans this week for my three days off but spent most of each day just lying still as if asleep but without being asleep.  Just zoned out and completely still.  I go back to work today and despite all this I feel completely exhausted.

does anyone else get this?  I read that it’s common for people with autism to be tired all the time.  

  • Purple Ella has a good video about shutdowns on YouTube.

    I'm not sure whether I experience shutdowns or just extreme fatigue... sometimes, I feel like my whole body is slowing down so that even walking feels like hard work (it's like when you walk under water). I also find myself struggling to communicate and just longing for my bed. This tends to happen after a stressful day/when I've felt particularly overloaded.

  • thats what i get --- i think it is a shutdown - i found it listed  under types of shutdown ( feeling sleepy and tired - and needing sleep ) sorry i cant remember where i read this. Again i thought it was fatigue but not now. When i feel my shutdown happening i talk in monosyllables and single words - and i know i am going down.

  • That’s what happens to me, everything starts slowing right down and I can’t form sentences properly and then I can’t speak at all.  It’s like being stuck between asleep and awake without being able to do anything. It happened last night and I was so angry because I had a lot to do, but I just could not move.  I couldn’t even move to get the tv remote control as it was too loud and making me angry.  It wasted most of my evening. 

  • I'm really sorry to hear you're struggling. It could be that you're experiencing shutdowns due to autism and/or anxiety, but it might be worth going for a check-up at the doctor's. Since I last commented here, I had to see the doctor about some health issues, and it turns out that I may have a chronic health condition that's causing me to suffer from fatigue. I also have a vitamin B12 deficiency, which has been contributing to my feeling constantly exhausted. I'm now a little more open-minded about my shutdowns... they definitely happen when I've been overloaded, but it might sometimes be a result of my physical health condition too.

  • I'm really sorry to hear you're struggling. It could be that you're experiencing shutdowns due to autism and/or anxiety, but it might be worth going for a check-up at the doctor's. Since I last commented here, I had to see the doctor about some health issues, and it turns out that I may have a chronic health condition that's causing me to suffer from fatigue. I also have a vitamin B12 deficiency, which has been contributing to my feeling constantly exhausted. I'm now a little more open-minded about my shutdowns... they definitely happen when I've been overloaded, but it might sometimes be a result of my physical health condition too.

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