Vent (good humoured)

Gahhhh! People in offices who yammer on on the telephone and then put the phone down and have to tell anyone who will listen word for word what they said to the other person on the phone and what they said and why! And who feel that it's acceptable to have a conversation on a speaker phone in an open office, and have all of the "PING!" / "WHEEEE!" / "TADAAAA!" notification noises turned on and up on their mobile.

I know it's bad, but I've started doing this:

Other people: "Morning!" Me: "Morning!"

Other: "Good weekend?" Me: "Yes, thanks.".

Them: "Um....errr....good".


Them "Go anywhere nice?" Me: "Yep; home."


Me: *Makes coffee*


  • I do this too IDWCC : ) I used to try really hard to do the small talk thing, then I felt bad for not doing it. Now I don't care anymore : p it's made me much happier not worrying about it

  • I do feel a *little* bit bad about it but I'm just tired with it. I'm more than happy to have a proper conversation about hobbies & interests etc if the time is right & I'm interested, but I'm fed up with what I've come to call "Verbal handshakes"; "Good weekend?"/"Yes, thanks, and you?"/"Can't grumble, well I'd like to but I can't hahaha". I'm also waiting for the next time someone says "Urgh, it's wet out there isn't it?" to which I will reply "Yes, it's raining."

  • I do feel a *little* bit bad about it but I'm just tired with it. I'm more than happy to have a proper conversation about hobbies & interests etc if the time is right & I'm interested, but I'm fed up with what I've come to call "Verbal handshakes"; "Good weekend?"/"Yes, thanks, and you?"/"Can't grumble, well I'd like to but I can't hahaha". I'm also waiting for the next time someone says "Urgh, it's wet out there isn't it?" to which I will reply "Yes, it's raining."
