Seeking the horizon of Autopia

Elephant in the Room here..(sorry... I just can't manage to F*** off, can I?)

When I joined NAS it was with the intention to seek out other middle aged women (diagnosed and undiagnosed) who had reached that epiphany that those darn masks didn't work any more, that they couldn't conform any more, and had the realisation that they were part of that unique and special tribe of people called Aspie.

What is Autopia?

The notion of Autopia is a dream space talked about by special individuals here - each of us unique, each of us with our own story, each of us with our own tribulations.

Two years on, we are the same kind, loving and very human people (you know, those genuine kind) - those misconstrued aspies who feel greatly, who are empathic, who want to help and also nurture and be nurtured in kind. Autopia is a dream space of acceptance, tolerance and safety. Masks down and just BE.

In that journey to Autopia (we are not there yet).. we have found fowl beasts, heart ache, been misunderstood and our very fabric torn and bruised.  BUT... with each others support we care and look out for each other, share our humanity, give advice to each other - as we are incredibly bad at taking our own advice.

This is to all of you who care, who see, who feel - who blow out of the water that rigid stereotype that aspies can't feel, or care, or be perceptive of others.

This is to @misfit61, to her family, her guinea pig and to chocolate muffins. Big hugs and love always

This is to @Lonewarrior, who gives so much, and his virtual hugs! Please HUG him back

This is to @SpottyTortoise with her amazing skills and quiet, frustration but brilliant existence

and to the rest of you ..those with kind hearts, open minds, and hopefully not too injurious journeys of the heart, soul and mind (you know who you are)


Autopia - is a place of great understanding and support..I hope it is indeed not a mythical place.


  • My dear friends 

    I was feeling a little low, so I thought I’d see what my tribe were saying. And what do I find? You remembering me in such a special way. Thank you so much. I really needed this today. My guinea pig is sat on my lap as I write. He is old and won’t last much longer. Is it really 2 years since our imagination got carried away to autopia? I couldn’t not say hello and thank you with such a mention. ( the @ doesn’t work for me so wouldn’t usually catch those). Can’t say more. 2 of you know why but thank you. 

  • Keep steering the ship strong and true and practice safe care x 

    The tenacity of the Aspie and our having to have steel grit and determination to maintain a degree of agency can be incredibly draining at times. Don’t forget you are much loved. 

    So good to see you posting x

  • So good to see you posting x

    Definitely and so good to see you posting again also too! :-)

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