Body temperature regulation

Does anyone else have trouble regulating their body temperature? I get so hot sometimes I have to walk around the house in my underwear whilst others don't seem to feel it . But I also go the other way and can be really really cold and other people aren't. Am I just super sensitive to heat ?

  • I often feel colder than seems proportionate to the temperature. If I feel pressure, stress, anxiety, anger or irritation this response seems to become more elevated. I'll often sit with a hot water bottle on my lap on a mild day (I live in South Africa so it doesn't get extremely cold here, even in winter.) It is currently springtime and I have a hot water bottle on my lap today while it is 19° Celsius outside and I'm wearing a warm sweater. As a child, I was never cold and would go to school without shoes or a sweater, until the teacher told my mom I HAVE to wear shoes because my feet are turning blue from the cold. Sometimes, I don't seem to feel the temperature at all either. I'm not sure if there's a pattern to that with me or if it is random.

  • I often feel colder than seems proportionate to the temperature. If I feel pressure, stress, anxiety, anger or irritation this response seems to become more elevated. I'll often sit with a hot water bottle on my lap on a mild day (I live in South Africa so it doesn't get extremely cold here, even in winter.) It is currently springtime and I have a hot water bottle on my lap today while it is 19° Celsius outside and I'm wearing a warm sweater. As a child, I was never cold and would go to school without shoes or a sweater, until the teacher told my mom I HAVE to wear shoes because my feet are turning blue from the cold. Sometimes, I don't seem to feel the temperature at all either. I'm not sure if there's a pattern to that with me or if it is random.

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