Autism and Religion

Hi Folks - I have a situation I'd like to share with you and comment on if you think it would be helpful. I would appreciate some feedback.

I believe in God and have, over the years, as  someone living with a diagnosed ASD tried to attend church. I always thought it would be a way to maybe meet people and make friends because I am very isolated.

I find the whole thing hard because it is noisy and I can't always cope with that or the people (I hate being touched) and if I'm having a bad day and know I'm heading for meltdown (like today) I stay away so it doesn't happen there because they wouldn't understand. Which is where my question comes in -

I spoke to the Vicar at my church and told him I was autistic and would find some 'adjustments' useful (e.g. being able to sit at the back so I can move around if I need to, or not to go forward for things like communion which I don't get really, or not to be part of a small group). He seemed to think that was ok but said my admission to being autistic explained why I was a bit weird (not helpful). Most people know I have autism there.

I thought Christians were supposed to be accepting and loving and stuff but no-one speaks to me, offers any hand in friendship or shows any respect for my condition.

Has anyone experienced anything similar and how did you cope with it (other than staying away which is what I do now)?

Any good stories about going to church or Mosque or other place of worship? How have others treated you because of being autistic or maybe you have a child who is autistic - how was it?

I'm trying to work some of this stuff out and would appreciate comments.

Thanks Everyone!

  • When I was a child, I went to church, because I was in the choir. My mum wanted me to 'join in' and it was one of the things available in our small community. I minded it less than other joining in activities imposed on me, because I like singing.

    Also, it was quite interesting, because it was pretty much empty most Sundays. The few people who came were old, and dressed up. Some of them weren't especially nice, the rest of the time. I wasn't sure then, and am not now, what all of that meant.

    At Christmas and Easter, everyone came, although they never did the rest of the time. 

    Ritual is strange.

    I like churches, ancient and silent.

    If I was looking for any God, maybe I'd find it there. But to me, it's in the very fact of life. I don't feel the need for religion to see the wonder of that, personally.

    I have known religious people, that's ok too - everyone believes as they do, who really knows what's right, and what isn't? 

    Live and Let Live.

  • I like churches, ancient and silent

    Me too. They are interesting places. Ancient designs, a lot of interesting history and awesome to photograph.

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