High anxiety days

Does anyone else have days when your anxiety levels are through the roof but you can not find am explanation for guy? You just spend all day feeling completely on edge and wanting to cry but not being able to ?

  • Yes. I feel on edge most days. I'd also love to be able to cry and let it all out but I just can't.. Even on the extremely rare occasion I feel like I'm welling up I stop myself and hold it in. None of it is very healthy... Whenever I show emotion like that I feel overwhelmingly vulnerable so I stop it almost as soon as it happens. I have no idea what's happened in my past to make me feel this way... I've tried to think of a time I showed emotion and was punished in some way for it...

  • I'm in a similar position, and can relate to what you're saying.

     I'm having CBT counselling at the moment for severe social anxiety, and showing emotion publicly is one of my issues as well. I was bullied a lot as a child, and the bullies seemed to enjoy my fear and pain, and do all they could to provoke a response they could laugh at. I remember making sustained, conscious efforts not to show emotion, so the b******s at least wouldn't have the satisfaction. (Unfortunately, understanding that hasn't helped me to overcome the fear.)

  • I'm in a similar position, and can relate to what you're saying.

     I'm having CBT counselling at the moment for severe social anxiety, and showing emotion publicly is one of my issues as well. I was bullied a lot as a child, and the bullies seemed to enjoy my fear and pain, and do all they could to provoke a response they could laugh at. I remember making sustained, conscious efforts not to show emotion, so the b******s at least wouldn't have the satisfaction. (Unfortunately, understanding that hasn't helped me to overcome the fear.)

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