High anxiety days

Does anyone else have days when your anxiety levels are through the roof but you can not find am explanation for guy? You just spend all day feeling completely on edge and wanting to cry but not being able to ?

  • If I haven’t got up and brushed my teeth and got dressed to go straight out my whole day can be ruined.  My clothes don’t feel right, I’m uncomfortable, I’m more clumsy than usual, then I get really stressed and feel so angry and uncomfortable.  I wonder if it is because my routine has changed to normal, as I get up and straight out during the week, and it’s anxiety that I have.  Some days I wake up and have a completely overwhelming sense of guilt, and I have no idea why.  And I lie in bed trying to work out what I’ve done or what’s happened.

  • If I haven’t got up and brushed my teeth and got dressed to go straight out my whole day can be ruined.  My clothes don’t feel right, I’m uncomfortable, I’m more clumsy than usual, then I get really stressed and feel so angry and uncomfortable.  I wonder if it is because my routine has changed to normal, as I get up and straight out during the week, and it’s anxiety that I have.  Some days I wake up and have a completely overwhelming sense of guilt, and I have no idea why.  And I lie in bed trying to work out what I’ve done or what’s happened.

  • I know what you mean on alot of your points. I usually think what am I guilty about until I find something in my memories :( if I dont brush my teeth or brush my hair on time I hate the feeling I cant describe it.