Autism ‘Triad of Impairments’ Redefined

The uneven cognitive profile (splinter skills) is a point we often overlook. Just because a person can speak well or excels in a particular subject such as math does not mean they are able in all areas. A person with high functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome may appear more capable that he/she really is. Executive functioning skills ( the ability to prioritize tasks, organize, or see the individual steps in a routine), are often impaired in the autism population. The lack of these skills can make independent living difficult. Don’t assume a person can organize his day just because he has high intelligence. We often take away supports for people that we perceive as “able”, not realizing there are deficits in other areas that we think are easy.

I'm lucky in that I get very good support. Others aren't so fortunate. A lot of people including some health professionals have a " You're good at x so you must be good at y" mentality.

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