Ongoing assessment saga

So last year I saw my GP because my anxiety seemed to be gradually worse and medication (Citalopram) wasn't having much effect (I was also on anti migraine medication).

So we discussed whether there was an underlying reason for my stress and anxiety seemed to be getting worse over the last few years?

The result of this was for me to write 8 of notes pages that I gave my GP in order for him to seek advice as to whether there warranted further investigation.

However, after about 3 months, he said he could not find anyone to take a look and so I asked for a private referral.

This resulted in me seeing a Consultant Psychiatrist at the end of May, who said he was 95% sure that I had Aspergers. But in his letter to my GP stated he always seeked a second opinion but was having trouble finding a suitable available Psychologist. 

Yesterday marked 6 weeks since my consultation and asked what was happening. Apparently, I had been referred to Hampshire & Surrey Psychology. I contacted them and was replied with their process for assessment.

To my irritation, it appears I have to pay (~£300) for another consultation to determine whether it is worth me having the full assessment (at an addition cost of £1500).

I just feel that my consultation with the Psychiatrist was a waste of time and money :(

I have to wait two weeks for my second consultation :(

  • At the present time I am going through the diagnoses pathway with my daughter.

    Your post just confirms my experience and research.

    That there are few specialists overall and seeing anyone privately could be a costly mistake,

    I just wonder (and excuse my ignorance) but do you actually want a formal diagnoses for a specific reason John?

    Have you thought about reframing how you look at your situation. Could it be helpful to write down what are the areas where you need to work and then find a qualified person in that specific area. So for instance anxiety but be at the core of making that your first area work. Also you could try many ways of helping yourself that are inexpensive compared to wanting to have a label and spending a lot of money and being no better off. 

  • At the present time I am going through the diagnoses pathway with my daughter.

    Your post just confirms my experience and research.

    That there are few specialists overall and seeing anyone privately could be a costly mistake,

    I just wonder (and excuse my ignorance) but do you actually want a formal diagnoses for a specific reason John?

    Have you thought about reframing how you look at your situation. Could it be helpful to write down what are the areas where you need to work and then find a qualified person in that specific area. So for instance anxiety but be at the core of making that your first area work. Also you could try many ways of helping yourself that are inexpensive compared to wanting to have a label and spending a lot of money and being no better off. 

  • The process was because I had issues at work (plus my son was recently diagnosed with Aspergers) and the money is spent now. Initially, I wrote all my issues or "quirks" as I called them and gave them to my GP - just to see if he could get someone to look at it to see if I needed to seek further help. But after 6 months of trying (because the adult mental health service in the Fareham area were as he said "non existant")  - I decided to go private. The 1st stop being a Psychiatrist..etc etc