Ongoing assessment saga

So last year I saw my GP because my anxiety seemed to be gradually worse and medication (Citalopram) wasn't having much effect (I was also on anti migraine medication).

So we discussed whether there was an underlying reason for my stress and anxiety seemed to be getting worse over the last few years?

The result of this was for me to write 8 of notes pages that I gave my GP in order for him to seek advice as to whether there warranted further investigation.

However, after about 3 months, he said he could not find anyone to take a look and so I asked for a private referral.

This resulted in me seeing a Consultant Psychiatrist at the end of May, who said he was 95% sure that I had Aspergers. But in his letter to my GP stated he always seeked a second opinion but was having trouble finding a suitable available Psychologist. 

Yesterday marked 6 weeks since my consultation and asked what was happening. Apparently, I had been referred to Hampshire & Surrey Psychology. I contacted them and was replied with their process for assessment.

To my irritation, it appears I have to pay (~£300) for another consultation to determine whether it is worth me having the full assessment (at an addition cost of £1500).

I just feel that my consultation with the Psychiatrist was a waste of time and money :(

I have to wait two weeks for my second consultation :(

  • With me, I do not need a diagnosis (Equality Act 2010), have self funded an assessment but not got the answer my employer wants (must be in writing from a professional NHS Specialist).  

    Now the local NHS Screening result was that I am not on the spectrum but what a joke as so many experienced with the condition say I have Aspergers.

    So, I will probably have to fund a further assessment because the NHS bean counter are afraid of the cost of diagnosing an adult who has had a lifetime coping/masking/hiding the condition.

    The process is long and drawn out for sure, especially when Mental Health is such a big talking point/topic everywhere.

    Good luck with it all and hope you get better results/support the second time.

  • There's just no consistency. My son was assessed by one Psychologist at Cams and got an official diagnosis letter (which he has used to claim University help).

    In my case I saw a Private Psychiatrist but he said a diagnosis letter from him would not be enough, hence the need for a second opinion from a Psychologist. The trouble is nothing had happened for 6 weeks (until I chased the Psychiatrist) and the Psychologist had received the referral letter but needed a password to open it. I will see what she says when she has read it but I don't see why I have to go through the assessment as I would have already seen a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist for over 3 hours. It would make sense for me for them to confer of my case, without dragging overs in. If she insists on another consultation and then the £1500 assessment, I'll go back to the Psychiatrist and request an alternative option. It's not the cost so much but the time. Although I could end up paying ~£600 with one saying yes to Aspergers and one saying no!! As you can tell its already starting to take over my life :(

  • There's just no consistency. My son was assessed by one Psychologist at Cams and got an official diagnosis letter (which he has used to claim University help).

    In my case I saw a Private Psychiatrist but he said a diagnosis letter from him would not be enough, hence the need for a second opinion from a Psychologist. The trouble is nothing had happened for 6 weeks (until I chased the Psychiatrist) and the Psychologist had received the referral letter but needed a password to open it. I will see what she says when she has read it but I don't see why I have to go through the assessment as I would have already seen a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist for over 3 hours. It would make sense for me for them to confer of my case, without dragging overs in. If she insists on another consultation and then the £1500 assessment, I'll go back to the Psychiatrist and request an alternative option. It's not the cost so much but the time. Although I could end up paying ~£600 with one saying yes to Aspergers and one saying no!! As you can tell its already starting to take over my life :(

  • Hi

    I was reading your thread with interest.

    I have a daughter who fits all criteria for aspergers.

    We will hopefully be at final diognoses soon.

    Taking a step back and looking at many posts it just seems that recourses in the NHS are not there.

    Many people working very n the autism services sector employed by the NHS are poorly trained.

    You've gone the private route as anyone in your position would and to be honest it seems there's no clear pathway private or NHS.

    I don't know if this would be helpful but as far as my daughter was concerned I change doctor's until I found a doctor that was experienced with ASD and had ASD in their own family or in surgery.

    if someone wouldn't give me the time of day I just left them to it and politely said thank you and moved onto the next doctor until I found one that would listen.

    It shouldn't have to be like this..but it is.