Making friends and relationships with Aspergers

Hi All 

Im new to this forum I was diagnosed with mild Aspergers at about 15 years old I'm now nearly 30. I have struggled throughout my life from primary school to the present day. I have no friends or girlfriend

live at home with my parents and work 3 days a week as a gardener. I feel so isolated the only social time I have is with my parents and the one person I work with and that is all. I need to make a change as its driving me mad.

  • It's not for everyone, but I met my partner through online dating ( nearly 13 years ago, well before my diagnosis of mild ASD this year. I had four dates that were really hard work and  I was ready to give up when my current partner got in touch. I really wasn't in the frame of mind for another date, so we agreed to just email for a while, which was great. We hit it off straight away. I think this made me much more comfortable when we met a month or so later. Anyway, I don't know if that is an option for you, but might be worth a try...

  • Hi steve I tried but I found it really hard to write about myself and what would they think of my aspergers. I also have OCD which causes a lot of issues 

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