Disclosing potential ASD diagnosis at work

Hello all. I’m new here and hoped someone may be able to help me, or whether anyone has experience with this. I have searched the forum but couldn’t find anything quite like the issue I have. 

I have been in continuous employment at one company for the last 7 years. I am a female in my 30s. 

I am currently going through the autism diagnostic process with the NHS. I have completed Stage 1 and have been invited back for Stage 2, though I don’t have a date for this yet. 

I do intend to tell work if a diagnosis is confirmed, however something has come up and I may need to disclose this earlier than anticipated. 

Has anyone been in a situation like this before? Is it worth telling them even though I don’t know if it will be confirmed?

  • Personally, its not something I would do. Discrimination does happen despite disability laws. It's not worth risking it. Especially if your report says you have problems with empathy and communication. There is so much competition for work these days and it is not a good start if you say you don't have people skills. 

  • Personally, its not something I would do. Discrimination does happen despite disability laws. It's not worth risking it. Especially if your report says you have problems with empathy and communication. There is so much competition for work these days and it is not a good start if you say you don't have people skills. 

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