Protesting against Donald Trump


I wonder if anyone on the spectrum is planning to protest against Donald trump's planed visit in June? I would like to show how much I do not agree with his politics but am worried as I suffer with noise sensitivity so will pack the ear defenders. it would be nice to be around people on the spectrum for support. Thank you.

  • This post was started so long ago ad has mold growing out it's ears. For Pity's sake end the joke! Has it not taken up enough air and head space already. Really, end the joke. There are far more pressing issues if one wants to dabble in current events.

  • This post was started so long ago ad has mold growing out it's ears. For Pity's sake end the joke! Has it not taken up enough air and head space already. Really, end the joke. There are far more pressing issues if one wants to dabble in current events.
