Protesting against Donald Trump


I wonder if anyone on the spectrum is planning to protest against Donald trump's planed visit in June? I would like to show how much I do not agree with his politics but am worried as I suffer with noise sensitivity so will pack the ear defenders. it would be nice to be around people on the spectrum for support. Thank you.

  • I hope that this is a genuine enquiry and not an attempt to stir up everyone on this forum into arguments, like the thread supposedly about Brexit appeared to be. 

    Dear NAS7898, if you really do want to join in with this then nobody has the right to tell you not to as we have freedom to protest in this country, however be careful as it could be a dangerous situation for you. Make sure you stay safe.

    I would not attend any demonstration or rally as I could not deal with the stress. And I personally think that flying a huge balloon of a "Trump baby" is just silly and embarrassing. But I was brought up to be polite, as was the queen. I'm neither a fan of her or Trump, but I don't actually know either of them and they are both heads of state of their nations, so I'll stay out of it.

  • There are a whole load of 'Resist' activists spamming just about every forum on the web with this type of message. 

    The typical rent-a-mob will be there with their identical printed 'spontaneous' placards - Soros will be paying for troublemakers as usual.   Free legal representation for anyone prepared to be arrested.  All so brave with their masks on.

    All very childish and embarrassing for this country.   Nothing like dignity now. 

  • There are a whole load of 'Resist' activists spamming just about every forum on the web with this type of message. 

    The typical rent-a-mob will be there with their identical printed 'spontaneous' placards - Soros will be paying for troublemakers as usual.   Free legal representation for anyone prepared to be arrested.  All so brave with their masks on.

    All very childish and embarrassing for this country.   Nothing like dignity now. 

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