question about disclosing at work

I was wondering if anyone might have any experiences (either positive or negative) disclosing ASD to your boss/supervisor/line manager who is from the older generation?

Asperger Syndrome wasn't discovered until the mid-1900s, and wasn't really known of by most people until maybe the past 20 years or so. So it seems plausible that some people who are from an older generation might not have heard of ASD or know much about it. And because of this, it seems quite scary to tell a boss/supervisor/line manager who is in their 60s-70s that you have ASD, because it's something that didn't really exist in their time, so there's the worry that they might not believe it. I don't know if this kind of worry makes sense. I'm afraid they might just think you're not "trying hard enough" with the social stuff, rather than it's due to autism.

  • Hello :)

    I didn't set out to disclose at work but had a meltdown/extreme reaction to an unclear situation and walked out leading to questions. I work in a school and felt I had to explain my behaviour to the head of school so told her I was waiting to be assessed for asd. She took it very well and the timing was perfect because I needed a few mornings off for the assessment process. I got my diagnosis last week and I think it provides them with an explanation as to why I may sometimes come across uncertain or awkward. Yesterday I was unsure how to react in a scenario and it was because I'd never been in that situation before, which they understood and gave me some guidance to follow. Only the head and deputy know and I am not ready for it to be widely known but it has been a positive experience so far!

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