
I recently became aware I may be on the spectrum, and since then have been noticing more signs in different situations. Where I used to find these frustrating, I actually find it quite funny now when I think back to occasions when I have been out of step. Am I alone in finding such things amusing?

For example, yesterday I had an interview and a receptionist was printing out some documents for me, but her computer was running very slowly due to being left on overnight. She was getting more and more frustrated and it reminded me of a research project into ‘computer rage’ I once read about. 

My interest piqued, I started to explain the project in depth to the receptionist, before checking myself - it only belatedly occurred to me she probably didn’t want to hear about that at that precise moment! 

Anyone else have any funny anecdotes?

  • At a job interview many years ago, I was asked to solve an imaginary problem which involved crossing a river with the use of ropes and planks, as part of a team. My first thought, which I managed not to say out loud, was, "what the hell has this got to do with anything?"

    What I did suggest was that the people just ignored the planks and ropes and waded or swam across, because it would be the easiest thing to do, and they could just dry off afterwards. The interviewer gave me another chance, asking, "what if some of them can't swim?" To which I replied that they could float using a plank and be pulled across by someone who could swim. After further thought, I said that as it was an imaginary problem, why not just imagine a bridge?

    I didn't get the job.

  • i hate that sort of crap, i think it's called team work exercises. Because NT's can't pick out the self obsessed people that won't work in a team....

  • Yeah, ok. It wasn't my finest hour. Have a nice day.

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