
I recently became aware I may be on the spectrum, and since then have been noticing more signs in different situations. Where I used to find these frustrating, I actually find it quite funny now when I think back to occasions when I have been out of step. Am I alone in finding such things amusing?

For example, yesterday I had an interview and a receptionist was printing out some documents for me, but her computer was running very slowly due to being left on overnight. She was getting more and more frustrated and it reminded me of a research project into ‘computer rage’ I once read about. 

My interest piqued, I started to explain the project in depth to the receptionist, before checking myself - it only belatedly occurred to me she probably didn’t want to hear about that at that precise moment! 

Anyone else have any funny anecdotes?

  • Many! Just three I can think of:

    * As a child, I used to pull my fringe over my forehead, my forehead on the carpet, and push myself round like an aeroplane with a collapsed nosewheel all because I  liked the feeling of the carpet rushing over my fringe. I got friction burns once!

    * In a taxi with my wife, the driver asks "Where are you from?". My brain says "That's an ambiguous question; you must seek clarification! Does he mean where were you born? Where did you grow up? Where are you staying? Where do you live?". I say "In what way?" and he replies "Oh, cool!". Now I understand that what he heard was "Innwatt Way" - a perfectly reasonable-sounding name for a road :-)

    * Many times my wife has said "Keep an eye on the food in the oven whilst I X/Y/Z". She's returned later to find it burned. I've said - you didn't specify that I had to do anything other than watch it!

  • And that is how Alfred the great burnt the cakes of the old lady that was hiding him.

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