
I recently became aware I may be on the spectrum, and since then have been noticing more signs in different situations. Where I used to find these frustrating, I actually find it quite funny now when I think back to occasions when I have been out of step. Am I alone in finding such things amusing?

For example, yesterday I had an interview and a receptionist was printing out some documents for me, but her computer was running very slowly due to being left on overnight. She was getting more and more frustrated and it reminded me of a research project into ‘computer rage’ I once read about. 

My interest piqued, I started to explain the project in depth to the receptionist, before checking myself - it only belatedly occurred to me she probably didn’t want to hear about that at that precise moment! 

Anyone else have any funny anecdotes?

  • When we were young (myself and my siblings) my mum used to hide the weekly supply of chocolate biscuits in the pantry so they wouldn't all get eaten in a day (there were four of us). I knew they were in there as I saw her put them there but each time I opened the door to have a look I couldn't see them.  For whatever reason, one day it came to my mind to have a rummage around for them. There they were tucked away behind some boxed and canned goods right at the back, and my favourite at that time, the kit-kat. I had this funny ritual I did when eating them too.

    Later, my siblings and I were in the living room while mum was cooking dinner in the kitchen. Then, we heard my mum shout 'ok, who opened the bloody chocolate biscuits' and I shouted back, 'if it was the kit-kats it wasn't me'. My sisters burst out laughing and teased me no end calling me a thicko, idiot, stupid etc I never understood what was so funny and why I was being called stupid! 

  • That made me laugh because it is just what my niece would do, every time! 

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