Employer invalidating diagnosis

Hi, My employer seem to be invalidating my AS diagnosis. I had a disciplinary appeal the other day and somebody made the comment' Oh that's just one person's opinion', I was gobsmacked all the problems I have had throughout my life and it was like this one person brought my whole world crashing down. I have struggled all my life with communicating with others and feeling different, I got my diagnosis 3 years ago from a psychologist that advertises on this very web site, who specialises in adult AS diagnosis and used NICE guidelines, surely that is proof that this person is is qualified to diagnose AS, isn't it?

  • Hey, Bookworm.

    One person's opinion?  I think not - one person may have made the final diagnosis, but that person has been trained by people, using material written by other people.  Diagnoses are not just given out - they are based on years of training and scrupulous work done by many people over a long period of time, and they are based on theories that are tried and tested.  Your experiences are your own, and they have no right to say such things - the level of ignorance shown by the person who said this to you is remarkable to me.  I hope you get to have your case heard and receive justice.

  • Just tried to Pm you, don't use your own name unless you want to be identified.

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