I hate the term 'autistic'.

There is a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to autistic people. I think the real reason why we are so misunderstood is because the public at large (not all, but many) are not listening to what we say when we talk about our condition and how it affects us. Often we get told we're using it as an excuse.  Or that we're simply overemphasising a characteristic that many people experience ('Everyone feels anxiety', 'Everyone gets depressed now and then', etc.)  This is why so many of us begin to view things through the prism of 'them and us.'

'Autism' is a term that is often used with a negative connotation. For this reason, people like to use autism as an insult, which would make sense if autism was actually a bad thing and therefore worthy of insulting.  Additionally, autistic people often face stigma, or the kind of discrimination that is often leveled against disabled people. The additional problem they have, of course, is that the 'disability' is invisible.  They look normal enough.  They have all of their limbs, which all seem to be functioning.  They do the job, and maintain a household, and go shopping, and drive a car.  So why are they making such a fuss?  Why are they demanding such special attention?  Why should we turn down the lights, or the noise volume, or the number of team-building exercises, just to suit their peccadilloes?

Think of autistic people as square pegs trying to fit into round holes. Or cats trying to be dogs.  Or bikes trying to be boats.  Or Apple operating systems trying to work in the same way as Windows.  Instead of trying to change the autistic people into round pegs, or dogs, or boats, or Windows.... why not try changing the whole nature of the dialogue?

There is a reason why autistic people can be seen as odd, or reclusive, or anti-social, or retarded, or any other negative term you wish to use.  It is because they know about the bad things people do to each other.  Many of them have had to put up with these bad things.

So, maybe it's time to drop the term 'autistic'.

Maybe we could look for another term that we could use as a way of attempting an engagement and a dialogue with those who do not share our condition.

Any suggestions?

  • Interpretation differs from each individual. Language is an abstract, evolving concept, and therefore semionics. There isn't anything to understand, just interpret, in my opinion anyway!

    This software is awe full - worst I’ve ever used. It’s like windows 96 - lol 

    Software, Windows彡96?


  • As far as I'm concerned the entire term 'autism' or 'ASD' is void. Really doesn't mean anything because it is so diverse. 

    Also speaking for myself things differ day by day. Sometimes I can't bear any noise from a TV and other days it is bearable. Impossible, in other words.

    I have no alternative term though. Maybe 'different'? Which is even worse Laughing

  • You do t get semiology otherwise you’d understand 


  • I think you are being a bit harsh on the "istic" part of the word!






    I could go on but I think you get it! "Istic" is pretty cool depending on how you deal with it!

  • Yes there still needs to be more awareness and understanding but that has nothing to do with the name.


  • I just think changing the word makes no difference. Negative connotations will continue no matter what the word. They have gone through the same with disabled. I can understand this a little more because of the dis but what ever word you choose will ultimately end up with negative connotations. I think people with autism should be proud to be autistic. And ignore the negativity of others. Yes there still needs to be more awareness and understanding but that has nothing to do with the name.

  • Maybe it's time to get some new friends because that's not my experience. But the outside world is merely a reflection of our inner world so maybe there is a part of you that's not listening to others or maybe not listening to yourself? 

    And what is this us and them? I don't understand. 

    And I would say the tv is evil but not facebook. Facebook is an incredible tool if used intelligently and can be used in so many wonderful ways.

  • I'm not surprised people aren't listening to what people say about autism, because from what I can see, most of what people say is based on the struggles of autistic people, and who wants to hear about that? Most people have got enough problems of their own so why would they want to hear about somebody else's? And why would you want people to know?

    I love the term autism as it's a quick and simple way for not only me to understand myself but for others to at least begin to accept that how I live and what I do and say etc, might be because that's the way I am and not because I'm being weird or mean or whatever, on purpose. 

  • Boring....? 


    What Does that mean? Slight smile

  • I like this variation.....

    • Autastic
  • I like this variation.....

    • Autastic
  • I'm not getting this. Trying to double-think reasons why a perfectly accurate name for something is now unacceptable is a bit strange. 

    It all seems a bit Frankfurt School trying to introduce Constant Change to keep people off balance for not knowing what today's PC term is - or risk jail for 'offending' someone.

    All a bit boring and very 1990s.

  • I prefer the term - Beautiful Mind or gifted or something.

    i love Aut bit, but it’s the Istic bit that winds people up.

    thats why an NT says 

    “You’re not Autistic” 

    bevasue it has Istic on the end and anyone over a certain age thinks if it has Istic or stic in the word then that means rolling around on the floor or in a wheelchair stimmimg and groaning. 

    Bevasue of a word that’s no longer pc to use. 

    This software is awe full - worst I’ve ever used. It’s like windows 96 - lol 

  • It’s Them & Us all the way - always has been even 40 years before I got diagnosed. 

    Problem is - especially in the smart phone era (last ten years) NT people can’t listen to more than 6 or 7 words in a single sentence. Ever. Not one that I know of. 

    Smart tech has made them unable to process more than one key point at a time. Mostly caused by the Evil Facebook

  • So, maybe it's time to drop the term 'autistic'.


    Because of this thread?


    This is going a little far now, in my opinion Tom.

    I for one embrace the term, regardless of what went on in that thread.