Autistic Barbie....anyone?


Interesting idea?  Would a hidden disability // autistic Barbie be an option? Also, being made of some different types of plastic and vinyl  - a meltdown could be even more of a hazard?

As an autistic woman (self-diagnosed.. first assessment in less than 4 weeks) she also decide to be spending less of her time keeping her hair that blond, or obsessed with fashion and make up.  Her relationship with Ken may also look very different from an ND perspective?


  • All Barbies are as autistic as their humans make them, or line them to be. I don't think it's up to the Barbie. The one I had preferred the company of GI Joe, for example. He tried to teach her to crook her first finger so she could shoot his gun, but she just couldn't do it. They settled for starting a figurine nudist colony ( I didn't (don't) like clothes but was made to wear them soo...). Ken was ok with it but, obs, he was just going along to feel included. 

  • Exactly this! 

    If you dream up Barbie to be autistic then she's autistic. Like me my Barbie only wore certain clothes, she hated water and she used to love exploring in the garden. She loved history so I took her to the Titanic museum. Sounds like you had a lot of fun with your dolls Uhane :) I still play with mine, when I can.

  • Exactly this! 

    If you dream up Barbie to be autistic then she's autistic. Like me my Barbie only wore certain clothes, she hated water and she used to love exploring in the garden. She loved history so I took her to the Titanic museum. Sounds like you had a lot of fun with your dolls Uhane :) I still play with mine, when I can.

  • I lost interest in Barbie quickly - but kept up with GI Joe. I loved how articulated he was! Barbie was so stiff! My GI Joe died in the fire. a noble death he had, fighting to the end against the slings and arrows of outrageous everything. He was that kind a guy. RIP lil' buddy. I got yer 6!