
Hello Everyone

I would like to know people's experiences of what medications they have tried which have helped for mixed anxiety and depression.

I feel I need something, as does my Mental Health Team but I am hyper-sensitive to all the drugs I've tried and their side effects. At the moment I am struggling through with Lorazepam on an ad hoc basis to get me through really bad days but this loses it's efficacy quite quickly. I had to persued the psychiatrist to prescribe it again and I can understand why they are only looking at this as a very short term help until we can come up with something more long term.

Risperidone has been suggested, but I tried Quetipine once and a tiny dose kept me in bed until midday and made me feel even more depressed. I don't want to take any of the anti-psychotics because of their really shocking side effects. I do not want to add more problems to have to cope with.

It's really sad that I need medication to be able to cope with 'conventional' life with all the socialising and communication that's needed, and that if I was wealthy enough to live the life I need to live to be at peace, I doubt I would need it.

Replies appreciated,


  • What is a bad day? 

    And if you think it’s sad that you need medication, then none of them will work. You could be given the best medication in the world but it wouldn’t work. Your subconscious mind, that believes it’s sad to take medicine, won’t allow it to work because it doesn’t want you to be sad. Why do you think it’s sad? Is it because they’ve never worked or did you think it was sad before you even tried them? 

    I think you’re thinking with your autistic brain. Black and white thinking. For example, you think there is only two choices of how to live life. Either to conform or be rich. Why do you think you need to be wealthy to live at peace? 

  • I find it hard to describe how I feel blueRay to say what a bad day is, I have a lot of difficulty trying to explain how I feel, but I get in a mess, then need support to get through it, then I feel bad that I needed support.

    Yes, I do have a very black and white autistic brain apparently but I'm not aware of it until someone points it out then I still don't really get it because for me that really is all I can see,there is no more to it and it's unbelievably exhausting trying to look at things a different way, not that I can't maybe, I don't know, just that it's really hard to do.

    I think I need to be wealthy to live at peace because you need money to get those things that bring peace for you, for me that is a home in the woods somewhere by a lake. Another issue that might not help is that I'm apparently not good in the 'imagination' of things, my mental health time explained that this is the process involved in planning. That could explain why all my life I've never quite achieved what is I was trying to do because my planning isn't great, but I'm still trying to understand all this.

    I left a good skilled job in recent times which I really loved because my sick leave just kept increasing to the point I couldn't take it any more either. I have a physical illness as well as the Autism and that's so much to deal with. I am going to ask on a different thread about how people with Autism cope with physical illness.

  • I find it hard to describe how I feel blueRay to say what a bad day is, I have a lot of difficulty trying to explain how I feel, but I get in a mess, then need support to get through it, then I feel bad that I needed support.

    Yes, I do have a very black and white autistic brain apparently but I'm not aware of it until someone points it out then I still don't really get it because for me that really is all I can see,there is no more to it and it's unbelievably exhausting trying to look at things a different way, not that I can't maybe, I don't know, just that it's really hard to do.

    I think I need to be wealthy to live at peace because you need money to get those things that bring peace for you, for me that is a home in the woods somewhere by a lake. Another issue that might not help is that I'm apparently not good in the 'imagination' of things, my mental health time explained that this is the process involved in planning. That could explain why all my life I've never quite achieved what is I was trying to do because my planning isn't great, but I'm still trying to understand all this.

    I left a good skilled job in recent times which I really loved because my sick leave just kept increasing to the point I couldn't take it any more either. I have a physical illness as well as the Autism and that's so much to deal with. I am going to ask on a different thread about how people with Autism cope with physical illness.

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