Any adults in Wiltshire?


I’m an adult female (28) waiting for my ‘official’ diagnosis. 

I most definitely have high functioning autism though. 

I don’t have any friends so just wondering if anyone was local to Wiltshire who would be up for making friends with me? Slight smile

Look forward to hearing from someone

  • Oh bless you! I feel your pain! I was diagnosed AS at the end of 2018. I’m afraid I’m over in Essex though. But we can still be friends on here.  

    I’ve actually just joined ‘British women with Aspergers UK connect group’ on Facebook which is quite good for connecting with others, many on there are self diagnosed or in the process of going through the assessment process. There’s quite a few other similar groups on there too.

    Good luck with your assessment and diagnostic process. What made you realise you have ASD?

  • Hi and thanks for responding to my post :) 

    Any friends are better than no friends so more than happy to chat on here or another platform if you prefer, Facebook, instagram etc. I’m finding this set up a bit annoying.. 

    Thank you for the recommendation for the group on Facebook, I have found the page and asked to join. I tried looking for something like that previously but didn’t know what to search for. 

    Oh gosh so many things, you should of seen the letter I wrote to my gp lol. But one day it just clicked, I think I was watching an autism related video on YouTube and I was like “oh my god that sounds like me!”

  • You’re welcome Blush 

    I’ll send you a friend request on here then I can let you know my Facebook name as we’re not allowed to share details on this forum. Another fake name actually LOL. I actually permanently deleted my Facebook account at the beginning of 2018 partly as I felt that it wasn’t good for me anymore and partly due to being stalked by my birth mother (very long story, won’t bore you with the details here) who made a fake account in the name of the mum of an old school friend of mine so I didn’t know it was her (though eventually I worked it out after hearing things along the grapevine that didn’t add up) and accepted her friend request so she had access to photos of my children, personal information, friends lists etc. At the end of the day, regardless of who she is, that is just downright creepy!! I had no intention of ever going back on Facebook until being diagnosed at the end of last year and needing to connect with other people with ASD. First I joined this forum which by the way once you get used to the format (it can take a while) is a fantastic forum, I get so much out of chatting with people on here either about ASD stuff or other stuff. Then a few days ago I made a new Facebook account in a fake ‘undercover’ name so that I can join a few Aspergers groups on Facebook. As I’m using the account purely for that purpose I don’t actually have any Facebook friends yet.

  • If you like I can send you a friend request on fb as I’m sure I saw you in the newbie list yesterday, less complicated. Let me know?

  • Oh wow that’s a complicated story! I managed to understand all of it though and sounds like you’ve had a bit of a time with it all. I’m on and off Facebook a lot but just keep it now for the groups and stuff, not that I have any friends on there lol. 

    I will accept your friends request once I learn where I need to go to do it lol. Haven’t actually look yet, will send you a message when I do Slight smile

  • Oh wow that’s a complicated story! I managed to understand all of it though and sounds like you’ve had a bit of a time with it all. I’m on and off Facebook a lot but just keep it now for the groups and stuff, not that I have any friends on there lol. 

    I will accept your friends request once I learn where I need to go to do it lol. Haven’t actually look yet, will send you a message when I do Slight smile
