Serial obsessions

Anyone else have a series of obsessions that seem to come and go in rotation? 

When I get into a hobby, I throw myself into it fully and pursue it with passion whilst I'm learning at a decent rate. Then when the learning slows down because of the plateau that inevitably comes, I lose interest and move on to something else, often an old hobby.

Because I value efficiency, I'll often sell all of the hobby equipment - sometimes regretting it shortly afterwards.

I've been through astronomy, photography, shortwave radio, ham radio, electronics, hifi, religion, piano playing, guitar playing, motorcycling, advanced motorcycling (to the point where I was qualified to teach this). On the odd occasion that I find myself without a passion I get into a hell of a mess with addictive behaviours too.

  • Hi,

    Yes I'm very much in this mold too and have been since a kid, the main difference being I don't often sell the hobby equipment off hence we have quite a cluttered house but at least when I revisit a hobby I usually have some kit to work with. Like you I did short wave radio and have my amateur license (although I never got into the transmission side, I'm more into listening). I was massively into TV-DXing and still tinker with it but there arent many analogue VHF stations on air now so I'm more into FM radio DX these days. I also play guitar and tinker with their electronics, hot rod them, build my own pedal boards etc. I have played in bands on and off since my teens something I have a love hate relationship with as I love the actual playing but the interpersonal band dynamics have always been a nightmare, of course since my diagnosis l know why now. I'm also big into collecting music both on audio and video. Some hobbies have completely gone by the wayside and probably wont return such as fishing but that it more to do with my back problems than a loss of interest and if I were fitter I may still have been active.

    I have never had problems with addiction in the absence of a passion, I tend to fall into depression and become a hermit, I'm kind of in that phase now sadly. 

  • Maybe your particular addiction is depression? You wouldn’t be alone, lots of people share this addiction. 

  • I know depression is very common but I have never heard it described as an addiction before.

  • No, I’m done with addictions. But I am always cautious none the less so no, I’m definitely not offended. I’m grateful for your concern. Thank you. I’ve been using drugs since I was a kid, so I have got a lot of affection and love for them and a kind of connection with them that will probably never be broke, but I use them wisely and spareingly these days and with respect and my intention is to be drug free, but that needs to be built back up again with the meditation etc. That’l all come together this year though, and generally whenever I start running and get back into regular excercise, I stop smoking. So it all comes together at the right time, when I get out the way and let things simply be as they are :)

  • Lost one of my little brothers to it and it got the other locked up for 4 years I saw them repeatedly decide to stop but couldn't cope with the physical withdrawals. 

    Please be careful with the ritalin as it seems you are replacing one addiction with another 

    I am probably wrong so please don't be offended 

  • Yeah, most of my friends are dead through its use Sleepy but it's usually by od or too pure a batch.  I don't know how I was saved, but I was, so I just accept that now. The temptation to use again is always there though, because the benefits are so great. Heroin was, until I had a Ritalin, my favourite drug of all. It was my number 1 drug of choice.

  • Yeah, most of my friends are dead through its use Sleepy but it's usually by od or too pure a batch.  I don't know how I was saved, but I was, so I just accept that now. The temptation to use again is always there though, because the benefits are so great. Heroin was, until I had a Ritalin, my favourite drug of all. It was my number 1 drug of choice.

  • No, I’m done with addictions. But I am always cautious none the less so no, I’m definitely not offended. I’m grateful for your concern. Thank you. I’ve been using drugs since I was a kid, so I have got a lot of affection and love for them and a kind of connection with them that will probably never be broke, but I use them wisely and spareingly these days and with respect and my intention is to be drug free, but that needs to be built back up again with the meditation etc. That’l all come together this year though, and generally whenever I start running and get back into regular excercise, I stop smoking. So it all comes together at the right time, when I get out the way and let things simply be as they are :)

  • Lost one of my little brothers to it and it got the other locked up for 4 years I saw them repeatedly decide to stop but couldn't cope with the physical withdrawals. 

    Please be careful with the ritalin as it seems you are replacing one addiction with another 

    I am probably wrong so please don't be offended