Serial obsessions

Anyone else have a series of obsessions that seem to come and go in rotation? 

When I get into a hobby, I throw myself into it fully and pursue it with passion whilst I'm learning at a decent rate. Then when the learning slows down because of the plateau that inevitably comes, I lose interest and move on to something else, often an old hobby.

Because I value efficiency, I'll often sell all of the hobby equipment - sometimes regretting it shortly afterwards.

I've been through astronomy, photography, shortwave radio, ham radio, electronics, hifi, religion, piano playing, guitar playing, motorcycling, advanced motorcycling (to the point where I was qualified to teach this). On the odd occasion that I find myself without a passion I get into a hell of a mess with addictive behaviours too.

  • I have some obsessions that last a really long time. I've had some that have currently lasted about 20 years.

    I have other obsessions that are short lived. They've never tended to be ones that involve lots of equipment though. At the moment it is rubiks cubes.

  • Mine are all childhood things that come and go. I recently toyed with getting back into 00 gauge railways - but on costing it all up it would be thousands to build a nice layout - and where would I store it?

  • Mine are usually childhood things too. If I had the money I would have an entire room dedicated to them and it would be full of Lego, modelling kits, puzzles, figures and other toys I have been obsessed with.

  • I have a cabinet full of Lego, I've got loads of models - all the ones that were too expensive when I was a kid like the Matchbox Flower Class Corvette and the Lindberg Fletcher Class Destroyer.

    I got a Nichimo 1/200 IJN Yamato model - these are about £500 new - for £21 from a really badly done advert on Ebay.

  • I have a cabinet full of Lego, I've got loads of models - all the ones that were too expensive when I was a kid like the Matchbox Flower Class Corvette and the Lindberg Fletcher Class Destroyer.

    I got a Nichimo 1/200 IJN Yamato model - these are about £500 new - for £21 from a really badly done advert on Ebay.

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