Social services removing children from parents with ASD


I am an autistic adult who is a parent. Since having my daughter I went through a terrible time with social services who set me up to fail and removed my daughter from me because I have a diagnosis of autism. It took me two years to fight for my daughter back and through this time social services and Cafcass used the so called deficits of my autism to justify the removal and to stop the return of my daughter. Thankfully the judge saw through this and returned my daughter concluding in her judgment that I parent my daughter to a high standard. 

I want to know how many my adults will autism who are parents have been through a similar situation. How many parents with ASD and other disabilities and or impairments are being targeted by social services and having their children removed? If you have experienced this please tell your story because the current system is outrageously discriminative against parents who have a disability and or impairment and I would like to raise awareness of the current failures within the current child protection system which is targeting parents with disabilities and or impairments so that change can happen. 

  • Hi I'm going though this right now and it's like trying to fight an already lost battle my ex has done some major damage to my 2 beautiful children and social are saying I can't parent nt 2 because I have aspergus syndrome and am Incapable of change to better my children's life's yet I haven't done anything to hurt them and parent them to the best but lots of peoples standards I have people come up to me saying they wish they was half the parent I am if they ever became a parent so they are just using Mt disability against me because they want to remove the kids for no good reason 

  • Hi I'm going though this right now and it's like trying to fight an already lost battle my ex has done some major damage to my 2 beautiful children and social are saying I can't parent nt 2 because I have aspergus syndrome and am Incapable of change to better my children's life's yet I haven't done anything to hurt them and parent them to the best but lots of peoples standards I have people come up to me saying they wish they was half the parent I am if they ever became a parent so they are just using Mt disability against me because they want to remove the kids for no good reason 

  • Hi I hope you don't mind me asking but how are you getting on with this as you sound like you are in the exactly same position as me, I've been accused of FII and all sorts, its really getting to me to be honest they have recommended my children go to dads even though most professionals feel Ive made positive progress, SW has been horrible to me since day one making sly comments etc even my kids dad's advocate has said she's playing cruel mind games with me, I just don't know what to do