is autism and ADD (attention deficit disorder) the same in a assesment?

I know they're separate conditions but through doing my own researching since realising I may have autism I also suspect ADD but the conditions are very alike so say if I was to go to an assessment (which seems impossible atm) would I be diagnosed with both as I cannot wait and go through the stress of getting both diagnosed, so in a nutshell would it be a 2 in 1 assessment thanks 

  • I think it depends on the centre/assessor. My assessor could have diagnosed adhd and dyspraxia (possibly other conditions too, I'm not sure) as well. I suspected adhd as well as autism but my assessor believed that my traits of adhd were down to autism, not adhd. He believed it was more to do with my interest level rather than a problem with concentration etc as I tend to be one extreme or the other.

  • I think it depends on the centre/assessor. My assessor could have diagnosed adhd and dyspraxia (possibly other conditions too, I'm not sure) as well. I suspected adhd as well as autism but my assessor believed that my traits of adhd were down to autism, not adhd. He believed it was more to do with my interest level rather than a problem with concentration etc as I tend to be one extreme or the other.

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