When do autistic traits become autism


have been told that I have a number of autistic traits, but have also been told that they don't necessarily make me autistic.

So when do my autistic traits make me autistic or are at least enough for me to seek help or an assesment.



  • During the feedback session of my own ASD diagnosis, my husband kept on saying 'oh, I have that too, eh I mist have ASD as well?'. Her reply was that most people night have some symptoms or traits, but not everyone is bothered by them. Then there is no issue.

    My husband has a job, functions well etc. It doesn't affect him, nor is he bothered in everyday life.

    So what about you?

  • Some of my behaviours do bother me and have done so for some time. Also other people comment from time to time about the things I do or don't do when I should.

    I've always worked but sometimes feel I haven't achieved what I could have. 

    I'm socially awkward and my group of close friends is quite small I'd say. 

    Am I making more of this than it actually is.

  • You could well be making more of this than it is. Unfortunately that is also a typical ASD trait... hyperfocus...

    But it is as some here have said: when it starts bothering you, you could look into it. 

    Or you could always try to let it go and focus on something else. 

    It is really you who decides.

  • You could well be making more of this than it is. Unfortunately that is also a typical ASD trait... hyperfocus...

    But it is as some here have said: when it starts bothering you, you could look into it. 

    Or you could always try to let it go and focus on something else. 

    It is really you who decides.

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