When do autistic traits become autism


have been told that I have a number of autistic traits, but have also been told that they don't necessarily make me autistic.

So when do my autistic traits make me autistic or are at least enough for me to seek help or an assesment.



  • Hello :) 

    It may be that you have traits, I think my turning point for it was being fed up with reacting different to other people, being sensitive, and feeling like Im nothing like anybody id ever met. If you feel your quirks are affecting your life to a point where your being down on yourself, perhaps its time for a diognosis OR perhaps your just curious :) 

  • Thanks fairybellsxo

    What you have said rings true with me.

    You went for the diagnosis then

Reply Children
  • Hello! Yes it's just how I was feeling for a very long time and I needed an explanation for it really, I went for it and I got diagnosed it took months and months but at least I now have an explanation as to why I react to certain things, rather than blaming myself for being a ' drama ' queen :)