Aspergers & Hygiene - advice please

Hello, i have a brother in his early 30s we highly suspect has Aspergers or something similar. Have done some reading online and seems like it's important we get him diagnosed. In the mean time, me and another sibling are trying to get our brother to understand and make changes to his current habits/lifestyle. for example, he neglects personal hygiene. He doesn't take regular showers to the point a layer of skin/dirt accumulates all over his body, developing sores, filthy home, mites, etc. he's not regularly changing his clothes, i.e. underwear/socks and so the smell is obviously offending.

  • You sound like you genuinely care (e.g. you've gone out of your way to look for advice), so speak to him and convey it in a way which makes it clear it's coming from a good place. 

    On another note, early 30's and possibly autistic, sounds like me (diagnosed at 34). It aggravates me that people have eluded help for so long. Not right.

  • You sound like you genuinely care (e.g. you've gone out of your way to look for advice), so speak to him and convey it in a way which makes it clear it's coming from a good place. 

    On another note, early 30's and possibly autistic, sounds like me (diagnosed at 34). It aggravates me that people have eluded help for so long. Not right.

  • It never ever occurred to him he'd think he had issues, he was happy to live in his own bubble of dedicating as much of his time as possible to online gaming. He only has a job because he was forced to move out of the home due to stealing, not working or commiting to studying. He refused to do anything.