Do people smell bad to you?

Part of why I got an assessment was to access helpful adjustments at work, because I'm very sensitive to both sound and smell.

Currently the two people that sit next to me at work smell awful, and it's really inhibiting my working ability. They're also loud (talking, tea-slurping, apple eating, etc), but I can cover that by wearing headphones. The smell I cannot. I'm sure the guy on my left doesn't wash his clothes, and the guy to my right has terrible breath.

Does anyone else have this issue? Its' driving me mad, and my work cannot offer me a better place to sit. 

  • My sense of smell is very sensitive, so I have learned that most things that I can smell, most other people cannot so I often avoid making a fuss of every smell I come across that is overpowering; however there are some smells that I just can't tolerate:

    • Damp clothes smell - this smell makes me gag!
    • Coffee breath - I wish people would realise how awful coffee makes people's breath smell
    • Dairy - it smells sour and like sick, I can tell if someone has eaten even a small amount of cheese hours before they come into contact with me
    • Cigarette smoke - I cannot tolerate this and have to leave the area
    • Strong overpowering perfumes - I have a colleague who sits in the next office to me who insists on spraying impulse every 5 minutes!  I have to open the windows or make an excuse to make a cup of tea just to get away from it

    I think the worst is when you are on public transport because that can be an assault on the senses.  The other week I was travelling home and the train was unusually busy which was stressful in itself - but on top of that the smell of B.O, perfume, sticky sweets smells from children, dirty clothes and bad breath, I was in a state for the rest of the night.

    Other sensory annoyances are people's voices - similar to what has already been mentioned, there are a couple of people who work in telecommunications roles, who to me have grating voices that seem to project and amplify to unbearable volumes....they also insist on talking and never shutting up.

    The clothes that people wear can affect me too - I don't like bright over the top patterns as I just find it all to much to process.

  • Your list of smells is so similar to what mine would be although I think your sense of smell might be slightly more sensitive than mine, I don't think I could smell cheese that had been eaten hours before. I also find smells like paint and nail varnish over powering. Coffee and perfume are probably the ones that find the hardest. 

    I don't like over the top patterns in clothing either (or people that wear lots of different colours together) but I've never considered why that bothers me. Never thought about it being to do with processing. 

  • Your list of smells is so similar to what mine would be although I think your sense of smell might be slightly more sensitive than mine, I don't think I could smell cheese that had been eaten hours before. I also find smells like paint and nail varnish over powering. Coffee and perfume are probably the ones that find the hardest. 

    I don't like over the top patterns in clothing either (or people that wear lots of different colours together) but I've never considered why that bothers me. Never thought about it being to do with processing. 

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