Strong sensory memories from childhood

The next phase of my ASD assessment is taking place in a few days (Full Developmental History). As a result I have been thinking quite a bit about my childhood.

Some memories are prompting incredibly vivid recollections of smells (the inside of my mother's jewellery box, the wooden floor in the school dining hall). In some cases physical sensations are triggered too (how it felt to wind up my musical box). 

A couple of things have really surprised me:

  • I had no idea so much detailed information is still stored in my brain (I am 58 now) 
  • I am primarily a visual thinker and only expected to 'see' images 

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? 

  • I was visiting my (NT) twin brother a couple of months ago - our childhood came up in the conversation - I can remember everything about where we lived when we were little (2-5 year olds) - every tiny detail, the places we went, the local area, the shops & library, the parks, places we played, describe all the houses - even draw a plan of our old house, the infant school, grass & flowers, the brick walls, the trees - the smells, the colours, our toys -  everything.

    My brother has no memory at all - we're 52 now.

  • My main memories are sensory.... particularly touch or texture

  • That's interesting... touch and texture memories are strong for me too - including some horribly itchy and scratchy clothes I had to wear. 

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