
so I was working with company (agency) for 9 months and got taken on last month. Well I also got diagnosed with autism last month. 

Last week everything got to me resulting in me taking sick leave for last two weeks. 

I came in to work today to ask if I could maybe do reduced hours until I start therapy and instead they have sacked me for Not meeting company need whilst on probation and he made sure to mention it’s nothing to do with my condition, autism/anxiety/depression. In my opinion this is an absolute lie. 

I’m so pissed right now, I know have no way of paying for all my expenses. My wife is gonna be mad with me. I’m such a let down, I might just end it, will be easier for everyone!

  • Jason, thank you for reaching out to the community. This sounds like a perfect storm for you but please seek immediate help such as the Samaritans (116 123), the NAS Helpline (0808 800 4104), a local crisis service or a close friend/family member.

    You have a right to have the reasons of your dismissal in writing. I agree that it seems odd that if there was any problems with your performance, that the Company would not alert you sooner as to address these. It’s worth seeking legal advice (Lawyer, Trade Union, Disabilty Law Service or CAB for instance) but that can wait until things have settled a little. Take care.

  • Jason, thank you for reaching out to the community. This sounds like a perfect storm for you but please seek immediate help such as the Samaritans (116 123), the NAS Helpline (0808 800 4104), a local crisis service or a close friend/family member.

    You have a right to have the reasons of your dismissal in writing. I agree that it seems odd that if there was any problems with your performance, that the Company would not alert you sooner as to address these. It’s worth seeking legal advice (Lawyer, Trade Union, Disabilty Law Service or CAB for instance) but that can wait until things have settled a little. Take care.

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