Done With Mental Health

So i made a complaint regarding my care worker who for 2yrs has done very little to help me he visits me every 4 weeks and im lucky if he stops 15mins i know they probably have a lot of people to see in a day but 15mins it's hardly worth it ive been trying to get him to arrange me counselling to help with the abuse i suffered as a child and hes done nothing apparently until i accept and engage with social activity they can't help me, this is the same guy who referred me for my ASD assessment as he thought i was autistic and yet he wants me to do social activities i couldn't imagine anything worse today a woman from the mental health unit rang me regarding my complaint i had made about him and everyone of the points i made she had an answer for,... surprise surprise it's all my fault not theirs so i told her to F%&k Off and hung up the phone im just sick and tired of their constant stone walling and general bloody uselessness so im done last monday i had a horrible encounter with someone who should have some sympathy towards people on the spectrum and with documented mental health problems and he treated me like crap in this country if you suffer with any kind of mental health problem you really are frowned upon like you're just a waste of space i really do despair, im sick of begging for help im better off without them

  • I keep getting moved about my psychology person referred me to well being then they never got back in February I done it myself went to well being then they turned round and referred me back to my psychiatrist nobody want to help.Now I’ve tried to apply for PIP person who came to help me with form basically told me that I didn’t have anything wrong so I can’t get PIP then she kept on about Universal Credit .Even though I’ve had diagnosis nobody believes it Aspergers or autism.AS I keep getting told it’s all in the head.

  • i got told i was faking it the other day on the basis i caught a bus and according to him if you're autistic you aren't capable of catching a bus there really are some ill informed ignoramuses out there in positions where they aught to know better

  • Catching buses and trains is something I'm good at.  Social interactions are a mystery to me.

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