

If the folk at the NAS are so easily swayed by some whiny emoting from a tiny minority of folk that seek to deny history, I don't know that I can be bothered to read the thing any more. 

There was nothing wrong with the old name. It matched my diagnosis. 

To avoid a load of pointless arguing, no, I really don't care what Asperger did, or whether he ate peeled, salted babies for his breakfast. 

On a balance scale between logic and fact, versus the emotional burden of the entire human race throughout history, logic and facts must tip the scales every single time, or humanity is lost. 

Yes, some people won't like it. So what?

Parents Reply
  • @Jonesy you’re the linesman 

    A wise decision there Ellie... I was always useless at football at school and the last to be picked for any sports team... I'm about as co-ordinated as the pattern on my avatar! But am a sticker for rules!

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