Second opinion

hi all 

my husbands assessment has come back with non ASC and I don’t agree with it,somethings showed above criteria but it said that not enough scoring on others and it could be down to stress or depression which he really doesn’t have, I have thought for years that he had problems with relating to other people’s feelings and gets very obsessed over things and nothing gets in the way of doing them. My 13yr old daughter has just been assessed with Asperger and they both share very similar traits. Do you think we should ask for a second opinion? 

Many thanks

  • No harm in doing so if you think the assessor has it wrong; I took two assessors to be diagnosed in the end. My first wasn't sure as I didn't tick all the boxes but he was quite old-school, from the era when autism was seen as very much a male condition. My second assessor was more up to date and turns out I was textbook for a female.
    So yes, they can make mistakes!

    Autism does often run in families; mine's from my dad's side. His mother was the same as me (though due to her age she went undiagnosed) and Dad had some subtle autistic traits himself but not enough for a diagnosis- that could be the case for your husband, too, though as I say no harm in asking for another specialist to have a look if he wants to be certain. :)

  • No harm in doing so if you think the assessor has it wrong; I took two assessors to be diagnosed in the end. My first wasn't sure as I didn't tick all the boxes but he was quite old-school, from the era when autism was seen as very much a male condition. My second assessor was more up to date and turns out I was textbook for a female.
    So yes, they can make mistakes!

    Autism does often run in families; mine's from my dad's side. His mother was the same as me (though due to her age she went undiagnosed) and Dad had some subtle autistic traits himself but not enough for a diagnosis- that could be the case for your husband, too, though as I say no harm in asking for another specialist to have a look if he wants to be certain. :)
