What positive steps did you take after (adult) diagnosis?

Good afternoon all.

I just wondered what positive steps people took after they were diagnosed as adults.  I am still awaiting my (hopefully) final appointment next week and am going through a rollercoaster of emotions such as: it won't change who I am, it won't make a difference to those that know me, will I grieve for the situations I found troublesome growing up etc etc.

I guess I am asking:

Did diagnosis help?

Did things start to make sense?

Did you do things differently as you were more aware?

and what are people's experience with telling work colleagues?  I am of the mind not to at the moment, as I don't necessarily need anything to change there.

  • The diagnosis gave me a sense of relief.  I now don't 'beat myself up' for being odd & different.  I know there's a reason for it.

    But even before diagnosis, I'd started to adapt - the Noise Cancelling phone headset at work is wonderful for cutting out office chatter!

    I did tell colleagues - very helpful to be finally able to explain that not making polite conversation during a phone call was not me being rude, but functioning well and working hard.

  • The diagnosis gave me a sense of relief.  I now don't 'beat myself up' for being odd & different.  I know there's a reason for it.

    But even before diagnosis, I'd started to adapt - the Noise Cancelling phone headset at work is wonderful for cutting out office chatter!

    I did tell colleagues - very helpful to be finally able to explain that not making polite conversation during a phone call was not me being rude, but functioning well and working hard.

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