A proposal for the resolution of the Irish border re: Brexit

Give Northern Ireland back to the Irish. It's only ever been trouble.


  • England and Wales will survive Brexit. Northern Ireland might not with the way things are going...

    In the run up to the referendum it was difficult to determine how Northern Ireland would vote. There were times when I wondered whether Northern Ireland should not be included in the referendum, or a second referendum held in Northern Ireland if its electorate was larger than the winning margin from the mainland.

    When the results were coming through there was a clear Protestant / Unionist and Catholic / Republican split to the vote. The only significant exception was North Down but then that's demographically similar to Surrey!

    The problem is further complicated by both the Conservatives and UKIP uncompromisingly hell bent on maintaining the Union at almost any costs.

    A possible solution would be to split the UK into two countries - England with Wales as its dominion and Scotland with Northern Ireland as its dominion. The first leaves the EU but the second remains in the EU.

  • There were times when I wondered whether Northern Ireland should not be included in the referendum, or a second referendum held in Northern Ireland if its electorate was larger than the winning margin from the mainland.

    They are part of the democratic process, so yeah they should have been included however you felt they might affect the vote.

    After all, most Unionists in Northern Ireland are Scottish in origin.

    No, most people who support the Ulster Union in Scotland are Irish in origin. Most Ulster-Scots left for the US in the 1700's.

    Scotland and Ireland could become Scandinavia.

    They are Celtic nations. Not Scandanavian. I'd like to try selling that idea to either the Scots or the Irish in my family. Why Scandanavia specifically?

    It's certainly a mess.

    It most certainly is! I was a remainer but when the vote was won I couldn't disagree because it was democratic. The people who did vote leave have been betrayed.

    Brexit is more and England, little England thing, than anything else.
    Big England. Real England.
    Little England.

    This is like right-left political jingoism ping-pong. I'm joining in. Medium sized England with ketchup.

    It was not the EU that brought in austerity, DWP and sanctions. It was not the EU that closed down the mining industries. It was not the EU that Introduced food banks. It was not the EU that is so determined to sell off the NHS. 

    Never a truer word said, it was Tory cunts making Tory cuts.

    They would probably be happy with an independent Scotland so long as the majority of Jocks vote for it.

    Do you have a problem with all ethnic groups or just the ones that begin with J? First it was Jews now "Jocks". What do you think about Jeks, Jarai or Japanese?

  • Maybe I grasped the wrong end of the stick, but if Arran is a Scot he is using Jock to self-refer, just as many people of African descent seem to refer to themselves as if they hail from Niger. Or something. 

  • I've never seen anyone of African descent refer to themselves as Nigerien.

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