The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder): Revised Edition

I've bought this, would anyone recommend it or anything else? It arrives next week but if there is anything else I'm open to buying it. 



Parents Reply
  • Like Emma, I read the free online version (sorry Mr Attwood).

    It is a comprehensive read ABOUT autism and what it is, and why it is...

    However, it is not a users guide to life with it :) - but, I guess that would be a BIG ask as we are all so individual in many ways even though there are synergies.

  • We did buy the book several years ago, but mum lent it out quite a bit to various family friends and it mysteriously vanished! Stuck out tongue
    I'm not sure a life guide is even possible, there's so much variation in autism. I had a book that tried to be one and I loathed it because so many bits of it really didn't suit me as an individual. 
    The Attwood one that was more a "this is what it is" than a "how-to" was the one I really liked of the small collection we bought around the time I was diagnosed.

  • I'm guessing such a good unfortunately does not exist. Funny is that, I actually have always wanted some life guide.