Cbd oil in adults with autism what does it do?

Any adults use the OIL, what’s does it do I get days were I’m very angery and can become unreasonable and some times scare my family. I also get a lot of anxiety and have trouble when I get obsessed with objects and spend days researching things and need help letting go of. 

  • Apologies, going to repost a comment I made to another thread but I hope it’s also relevant:

    I think contributors have strong views on this issue and this is a area which has gained much attention in recent times. NICE have limited any pharmacological interventions for Autism unless it is to address Challenging Behaviour. In these circumstances, Atypcial Antipsychotics under supervision are recommended when other interventions fail. Antipsychotics come with a number of undesirable side effects which make sustaining this treatment problematic. 

    Depression and Anxeity is commonly co-morbid with Autism and to support these issues, a mixture of anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications are prescribed. Again, these do have side effects and may not be useful for everyone. Autism specific support is patchy and many adults do not have access to Autism CBT or targeted, relevant mental health support.

    I understand that the debate around Cannibis Oil is to do with the compound which is less harmful and more therapeutic. There have been prescribtions for chronic long term pain and recently in the news, for rare forms for epilepsy. It is envitable that this will feature as a possible licenced medicine at some point and it could benefit those on the spectrum in respect to anxiety and other issues. My caution is to ensure that relevant trails and ethics surrounds all medical interventions and we may need more information before this can be used more widely. I also think we need to address the poor support services across the nation for autism to ensure that the right solution is available to each person and pharmaceutical solutions are not the first and only option.

  • "Depression and Anxiety is commonly co-morbid with Autism..."

    You have to ask how can two separate conditions; one being a "hidden disability" and the other a known form of "mental illness" be co-morbid with each other???

     This is not a naturally occuring co-morbity; this is induced through the environment the person on the spectrum is in. For example an abusive relationship; poor family dynamics; poor educational environment etc. 

    Let's not forget the untimely "diagnosis" the majority of people get while on the spectrum; by which time; they've probably but not always the case; developed some sort of other mental condition due to the abuse they suffer during the time these people have been "un- diagnosed"; or have simply been misdiagnosed with some other Mental Health label which; these people struggle to have corrected; once a "misdiagnosis" has been made apparent.

    It is the environment which needs to be addressed first then there will be less need for "relevant mental health support."  Have you heard of the saying "Prevention is better than cure"???

    People on the Autism Spectrum have enough on their plate having to deal with the disability itself.  They don't need to be dealing with social battles that come a long with it; due to people's ignorance of their condition.

  • "Depression and Anxiety is commonly co-morbid with Autism..."

    You have to ask how can two separate conditions; one being a "hidden disability" and the other a known form of "mental illness" be co-morbid with each other???

     This is not a naturally occuring co-morbity; this is induced through the environment the person on the spectrum is in. For example an abusive relationship; poor family dynamics; poor educational environment etc. 

    Let's not forget the untimely "diagnosis" the majority of people get while on the spectrum; by which time; they've probably but not always the case; developed some sort of other mental condition due to the abuse they suffer during the time these people have been "un- diagnosed"; or have simply been misdiagnosed with some other Mental Health label which; these people struggle to have corrected; once a "misdiagnosis" has been made apparent.

    It is the environment which needs to be addressed first then there will be less need for "relevant mental health support."  Have you heard of the saying "Prevention is better than cure"???

    People on the Autism Spectrum have enough on their plate having to deal with the disability itself.  They don't need to be dealing with social battles that come a long with it; due to people's ignorance of their condition.

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