Best employers for autistic people

Any thoughts? What about the 'Big 4': PWC, EY, Deloitte, KPMG? 

  • It depends on what type of role you'd want to do. They are all pretty ethically shady, especially Deloitte. The other 3 have been involved in some scandals which led to job losses but Deloitte are into some more "weird" stuff. EY are probably the more stable firm when it comes to reshuffles and avoiding "mishaps" that lead to job losses, they are imo the best of the bunch ethically. I've posted before here about big business (It doesn't get much bigger than the Big 4 power wise except probably Deutsche Bank within finance) and their sudden interest in employing Autistic people. I'm very sceptical about their motives.

    If you do want to work for one of the Big 4 -

    -Don't expect a 9 to 5. At least 50 hours a week is the norm.

    -Expect to start in audit. Try to move away from audit. TAS, valuation, risk management are better. Audit is hard to move away from or progress.

    -If you have the credentials try and get in at a smaller firm in any accounting field other than audit and use it as a side door to get Big 4 money.

    I've worked in a lot of jobs including the financial sector. I didn't find finance particularly healthy. Long hours, I didn't like the culture and I found it stressful.

    Best job I ever had was welding or unloading lorries. In the financial sector it was in Fraud. AML is supposed to be a pretty good job or so I've heard.

    Good luck!

  • It depends on what type of role you'd want to do. They are all pretty ethically shady, especially Deloitte. The other 3 have been involved in some scandals which led to job losses but Deloitte are into some more "weird" stuff. EY are probably the more stable firm when it comes to reshuffles and avoiding "mishaps" that lead to job losses, they are imo the best of the bunch ethically. I've posted before here about big business (It doesn't get much bigger than the Big 4 power wise except probably Deutsche Bank within finance) and their sudden interest in employing Autistic people. I'm very sceptical about their motives.

    If you do want to work for one of the Big 4 -

    -Don't expect a 9 to 5. At least 50 hours a week is the norm.

    -Expect to start in audit. Try to move away from audit. TAS, valuation, risk management are better. Audit is hard to move away from or progress.

    -If you have the credentials try and get in at a smaller firm in any accounting field other than audit and use it as a side door to get Big 4 money.

    I've worked in a lot of jobs including the financial sector. I didn't find finance particularly healthy. Long hours, I didn't like the culture and I found it stressful.

    Best job I ever had was welding or unloading lorries. In the financial sector it was in Fraud. AML is supposed to be a pretty good job or so I've heard.

    Good luck!

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