Question for adult diagnosees

Hi all,

I'm an adult in England and I had my through-the-NHS assessment a few weeks ago where the psychologist confirmed to me I was autistic.

Since then though I haven't heard or received anything in the post about it either from the assessor or my Doctors so I was wondering how long this usually takes? From what I have read I am meant to be sent a report?

Thank you in advance for any answers

  • I was diagnosed at the age of 52 last year through the NHS. Between my last of three one hour assessments and actually getting the written diagnosis in the post was 10 weeks! The wait was hell as I was not told verbally either way on that last session so spent those weeks wondering am I or am I not... horrible and very autism-unfriendly. Since getting the diagnosis letter I have had zero follow up from anyone anywhere in the NHS, social services or otherwise...essentially it feels like; yep you're an Aspie now go away you've managed for 50 odd years up to now so whats the problem... I don't think its like this everywhere in the country but don't be surprised if your experience is similar to mine. Good luck and hopefully it will arrive soon.

  • Yes that's exactly how I felt Jonsey, until I had a mental health crisis, I also lost my job at the same time.  It was the same when I was given a diagnosis of Coeliac disease.  It's because the NHS, Social services are facing austerity cuts.  I am not the only person to be left hanging, people with personality disorders, friends of mine say they face the same lack of care within the system, despite self harming.  So now I am wearing 'Autistic Rights and Disability T-shirts.

  • Yes that's exactly how I felt Jonsey, until I had a mental health crisis, I also lost my job at the same time.  It was the same when I was given a diagnosis of Coeliac disease.  It's because the NHS, Social services are facing austerity cuts.  I am not the only person to be left hanging, people with personality disorders, friends of mine say they face the same lack of care within the system, despite self harming.  So now I am wearing 'Autistic Rights and Disability T-shirts.

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