Bullying - With Experience

Greetings. This is one of those Threads which I have been meaning to start for a very very long time. Adults and "People with Children" are welcome to Post and/or "Vent", equally. Please feel free to write anything... and if you can, end it with some resolution/positve hindsight/result.

This is a bad Topic, which I am fed up of seeing sidelined or not fully discussed. "Being Bullied At School" is/was also actually a part of the "Diagnostic Criteria" for ASCs! Please share here experiences, and how you did or would have dealt with them. The more shared, I honestly believe, the more is learnt, if this is is discussed openly and without reservation, Thank You.

I shall begin with only a few things. Advice for dealing with Bullies includes "Ignoring them" and "Laughing them away". This advice does not work, as they either give chase, or they think that Bullying is being *enjoyed* by ALL concerned! 

Thanks for any replies in advance.

  • Greetings. I know that this Thread has dropped away of late. Great Thanks to all who posted - "venting" is still invited, and we may notice that there is not much "interaction", maybe...

    I myself have not finished with this Thread, and perhaps never shall. But I needed a reminder of the kind of Frustration which started it, and I gained that today, and so I post again.

    Being Bullied By Children and Adults... while as a child and now still as an adult. (Please see my UserName again, for it is a life-long matter.)

    While doing nothing but standing or walking, I have "double-takes", finger-pointing, throwing things, insults, "egging", yelling, lies, people bunching up to get in my way (e.g. to "stare at the weirdo"). I repeat that this is some children and adults as well.

    When I must do a regular shop, the item may be removed from sale, and some Shop Assistants are always tailing me, and some Security Guards stand there, grinning.

    When I must exit where I "live", some are waiting outside, to pursue me and to heckle me. They may begin to consider it thier main preoccupation, and play "Knock-a-door-run", or defacate outside, or leave litter including dead animals.

    Changing behaviour and/ appearence does nothing. If a "Bully" (child and adult, I say again) wants to pick upon anyone, then the reason does not and never ever matters. "They are just weird!" "They are stupid!" "I nevver did nuthin'! They just got in my way!"

    ...If anyone wants to know how the "mind of a 'bully' works", then I am a good person to ask.

    (I suppose that this Thread really is over, now... but not for myself while I am stuck here as I am.)

  • Dear DC how I would most enjoy walking with you down any street Side by side me wearing my Victorian clothes complete with waist coat collar less shirt  braces pocket watch and double Albert chain, flat cap and shooting stick ( seat) all leather old polished shoes and you in your amazing fedora hat. 

    Now that would be a great sight to be seen, dare they even look at us in anything other than a smile grrrrr.

    Some people have no taste,,,dear oh dear!


  • Dear DC how I would most enjoy walking with you down any street Side by side me wearing my Victorian clothes complete with waist coat collar less shirt  braces pocket watch and double Albert chain, flat cap and shooting stick ( seat) all leather old polished shoes and you in your amazing fedora hat. 

    Now that would be a great sight to be seen, dare they even look at us in anything other than a smile grrrrr.

    Some people have no taste,,,dear oh dear!


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