Bullying - With Experience

Greetings. This is one of those Threads which I have been meaning to start for a very very long time. Adults and "People with Children" are welcome to Post and/or "Vent", equally. Please feel free to write anything... and if you can, end it with some resolution/positve hindsight/result.

This is a bad Topic, which I am fed up of seeing sidelined or not fully discussed. "Being Bullied At School" is/was also actually a part of the "Diagnostic Criteria" for ASCs! Please share here experiences, and how you did or would have dealt with them. The more shared, I honestly believe, the more is learnt, if this is is discussed openly and without reservation, Thank You.

I shall begin with only a few things. Advice for dealing with Bullies includes "Ignoring them" and "Laughing them away". This advice does not work, as they either give chase, or they think that Bullying is being *enjoyed* by ALL concerned! 

Thanks for any replies in advance.

  • This is my latest Post to this Thread... but it might not be a "good" one. Apologies in advance...

    This is mostly about School Bullying, again.Sometimes the Teachers thought that the problem would be solved if I was actually *put with bullies*...! They say that they "keep a close eye upon things", but of course have they to "blink" or turn away at some point. I wonder if schools are fitted with cameras nowadays...? When something happens really quickly, the Bully often feigned innocence: "She did it to 'erself, I din' do nuthin', nevver!!" sort of thing...

    A modern gripe I have is with "Anti-bully awareness weeks". I can fully imagine the Bullies walking around, grinning, that the Teacher has given them the Poster/Banner/Photo-Opportunity, with utter ignorance of that child actually enjoying a campaign seeming to celebrate what they enjoy doing the most.

  • This is my latest Post to this Thread... but it might not be a "good" one. Apologies in advance...

    This is mostly about School Bullying, again.Sometimes the Teachers thought that the problem would be solved if I was actually *put with bullies*...! They say that they "keep a close eye upon things", but of course have they to "blink" or turn away at some point. I wonder if schools are fitted with cameras nowadays...? When something happens really quickly, the Bully often feigned innocence: "She did it to 'erself, I din' do nuthin', nevver!!" sort of thing...

    A modern gripe I have is with "Anti-bully awareness weeks". I can fully imagine the Bullies walking around, grinning, that the Teacher has given them the Poster/Banner/Photo-Opportunity, with utter ignorance of that child actually enjoying a campaign seeming to celebrate what they enjoy doing the most.
