Really grateful for this forum

I have no idea if this qualifies as a discussion topic but I just wanted to say that I'm so happy that I found this forum a few weeks ago. It's making me feel much less alone and let me realise that other people are going through so much of the same stuff that I am. Thank you NAS and everyone here.

  • I'm sure we can turn it into a discussion. 

    For myself it has provided me with a safe place to ask all my stupid questions and connect with people which is something I don't do very well 

    On a more personal note to you, do you go out chasing the pokemons?

  • I'm glad you've found the site to be a safe, helpful place too. It's so good to be able to talk to people who really understand what you're going through.

    I do go out with my phone, chasing pokemon :-) Do you play? I loved the video games as a kid and playing it now helps a lot with my agoraphobia

  • I don't but I played the NDS games, I am very tempted but I worry that I might look a little silly.

  • Song - I thought I would and thought I would do it anyway.

    Well I walked past an adult on the way to the gym and he announced to me "I have just caught a shiny, have you managed to get one?" He must have been mid-40s. He said they hold community days locally in the Abbey Gardens near me and had I been to one after I confirmed I had also caught a shiny. He said loads of adults play it in my area and on the discussions group they have all discussed how nearly no kids/young people play it here.

    I think more of the generation who played pokemon growing up have picked it up long term than kids.

    So don't feel weird about it! I must admit I felt much better after that. I am pretty sure the guy in the car with his phone under the gym the other day was the one that knocked me out of it after I spent ages trying to win it. (My gym is at the community centre just around the corner)

  • Song - I thought I would and thought I would do it anyway.

    Well I walked past an adult on the way to the gym and he announced to me "I have just caught a shiny, have you managed to get one?" He must have been mid-40s. He said they hold community days locally in the Abbey Gardens near me and had I been to one after I confirmed I had also caught a shiny. He said loads of adults play it in my area and on the discussions group they have all discussed how nearly no kids/young people play it here.

    I think more of the generation who played pokemon growing up have picked it up long term than kids.

    So don't feel weird about it! I must admit I felt much better after that. I am pretty sure the guy in the car with his phone under the gym the other day was the one that knocked me out of it after I spent ages trying to win it. (My gym is at the community centre just around the corner)

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