Really grateful for this forum

I have no idea if this qualifies as a discussion topic but I just wanted to say that I'm so happy that I found this forum a few weeks ago. It's making me feel much less alone and let me realise that other people are going through so much of the same stuff that I am. Thank you NAS and everyone here.

  • I'm sure we can turn it into a discussion. 

    For myself it has provided me with a safe place to ask all my stupid questions and connect with people which is something I don't do very well 

    On a more personal note to you, do you go out chasing the pokemons?

  • I'm glad you've found the site to be a safe, helpful place too. It's so good to be able to talk to people who really understand what you're going through.

    I do go out with my phone, chasing pokemon :-) Do you play? I loved the video games as a kid and playing it now helps a lot with my agoraphobia

  • I do go out with my phone, chasing pokemon :-) Do you play? I loved the video games as a kid

    Greetings, again, in English this time (!). I am not sure why you are discussing Pokemon in this Thread, but, well, as it is your own Thread, then you may try all sorts of questions, and it is good to be here.

    However, this is a link to a Thread which you may look at and/or may revive, if you like? I myself also play Pokemon, but only the main game.

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