Really grateful for this forum

I have no idea if this qualifies as a discussion topic but I just wanted to say that I'm so happy that I found this forum a few weeks ago. It's making me feel much less alone and let me realise that other people are going through so much of the same stuff that I am. Thank you NAS and everyone here.

  • I think it's an excellent discussion topic, this forum is pretty much my only resource since diagnosis and has helped me understand and feel more at ease with AS. It's also probably the least stressful social group I've ever been a part of. Does this count as a social group? Well, it does to me.  

  • I think it's an excellent discussion topic, this forum is pretty much my only resource since diagnosis and has helped me understand and feel more at ease with AS. It's also probably the least stressful social group I've ever been a part of. Does this count as a social group? Well, it does to me.  
