Why I don't/can't plan


I had a discussion the other day with my husband about planning and it made me wonder about my planning habits.  I'm curious to know if other female autists feel the same...

I write down in my agenda the appointments I really need to go to and on a precise time.  All my other stuff stays in my head or on a list if it gets too long and I'm kind of planning all day.  I do the stuff that does not need to be done on a specific day or time, whenever I have the time and energy.  My husband made me realise that this is part of what gives me stress, as the list never ends - even tends to get longer and longer ...  He told me I should plan these activities also, but then I have the problem that I can never estimate how long these activities will take - I get it very wrong most of the time!  So that is one reason why I don't really plan.

The other reason is because when you have nicely planned your day or your week, it never turns out that way.  There are always unexpected situations that mess up my planning and this upsets me too much.

They say autists "have difficulties" planning, but maybe we/I don't WANT to plan, because of the interference that upsets us if we plan too strictly.  What do you think?

  • Yes - it mostly sounds very familiar.

    i mostly keep plans in my head and I’ve not found of planning. I think some of the motivations differ though.

    its less than I stress when plan change, but more I don’t see the point of detailed planning when things are going to change. Most of the time, I’d rather spend the time doing rather than endlessly planning.

    I am also hopeless at estimating how long something will take - given that varies by how distracted I get and whether the circumstances are right (such as peace and quiet)

  • Yes - it mostly sounds very familiar.

    i mostly keep plans in my head and I’ve not found of planning. I think some of the motivations differ though.

    its less than I stress when plan change, but more I don’t see the point of detailed planning when things are going to change. Most of the time, I’d rather spend the time doing rather than endlessly planning.

    I am also hopeless at estimating how long something will take - given that varies by how distracted I get and whether the circumstances are right (such as peace and quiet)

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